Know Your Ransomware Risks and Recoverability
Your data is core to your organization’s continued day-to-day operations and long-term success. But unlike crown jewels that can be locked away, it still needs to be accessible and usable to provide value. These are the pain points that ransomware attackers leverage to get fast submission to their demands for larger and larger
ransom payments.Prevention and defense are always top priorities, but it’s also essential to recover quickly in the event of a successful attack. Your enterprise security program should include security measures to prevent a ransomware attack, as well as recovery processes that quickly return your business to full operation if an attack
does succeed.Sirius Security offers professional services, leading security solutions and managed security services to help you understand and improve your security stance before and after a ransomware attack.
Why a Ransomware Preparedness Plan Is
Your Best Defense Against Data Breach
Why Ransomware Groups Are Scarier Than
Their Attacks
Solution brief
Sirius Ransomware Vulnerability &
Recoverability Assessment